ROBOTRAX System – Design principle

Chain links
The basic structure of ROBOTRAX consists of plastic links. These have ball and socket style snap-together connectors on both sides. The individual links can thus be snapped together to form a cable carrier.
Internal bend radius stoppers ensure that the minimum bend radius is maintained in all directions. Radial link rotation movement is also possible (see table).

Steel wire and shim bolts
When the robot arms are moving quickly, high accelerations occur, exerting high pulling forces on the cable carrier. To be able to transmit these pulling forces ROBOTRAX has a hole in the middle of every chain link, through which a steel wire is drawn. This steel wire adopts the role of force trans mission. The steel wire has a shim bolt attached to each end.
As a result ROBOTRAX can achieve accelerations up to 10 g and higher. Long service life of the cables and hoses: The forces are transmitted by the cable carrier and not by the cables and hoses.

Quick-opening mounting brackets
The fixing and further guidance of the ROBOTRAX (on the arms of the robot) is achieved by means of quick-opening mounting brackets, fastened with two screws. The quick-opening mounting brackets fit any chain link. The fastening points can therefore be individually matched
to the movement sequence of the robot.

Quickly opened:
Simply unlock the lynch pin, pull it out and open the quick-opening mounting bracket.